Native grasses are an important consideration for ecological restoration projects, public open spaces or even native pastures. Restoration of native grasslands can result in societal and ecological benefits such as improved biodiversity, fuel load reductions, reduced water and fertiliser usage in landscaping and can assist in erosion rehabilitation.
Cassinia Environmental harvests bulk quantities of native grass seed from healthy, restored and remnant native grasslands across Victoria.
This seed can be utilised for restoration work across Victoria, where suitable. We can also guide and assist in developing a restoration plan for your landscape with recommendations for grass species, provenancing and sowing rates.
To see what seed is available currently or for more information about the benefits of native grass seed, follow the links below.
For any further questions to see how Cassinia Environmental can assist you in restoring Victoria’s critically endangered grasslands, please contact the Revegetation and Seed Coordinator- Gabby Keating at gabby.keating@cassinia.com