picture of a paddock being prepared for revegetation

The BushBank Program- Private Land Stream

Cassinia staff planning work day

The BushBank Program- Private Land Stream

The Victorian Government’s $77 million BushBank program is addressing climate change and supporting wildlife as it restores more than 20,000 hectares of land across Victoria. Millions of native trees and shrubs will be planted to capture carbon and create healthy habitat for native wildlife. The majority of work is taking place through partnerships with private landowners, providing an opportunity to participate in the most ambitious restoration program in Victoria’s history. 

Cassinia Environmental

Cassinia Environmental is the Victorian Government’s delivery partner for the private land stream of BushBank. Cassinia Environmental is a land management company with proven results in environmental protection, ecological restoration, regenerative agriculture, and social investment.

We will manage projects in partnership with landowners for the duration of the program. Significant co-funding is required to deliver native vegetation plantings across degraded and marginal private land. Cassinia Environmental will source and secure co-funding from various partners, including from carbon markets and philanthropic biodiversity-focused partners.

Opportunities for Landowners

The BushBank program provides a unique opportunity for private landowners to play a meaningful role in addressing climate change and supporting wildlife, leaving a legacy for generations to come. If selected to take part in the BushBank Program, all landowners will receive BushBank funding and guidance for their restoration project. Cassinia may also assist with project delivery. 

Projects may be eligible for co-funding such as through the transfer of carbon rights to a project partner, which will contribute to restoration costs and potentially stewardship payments. Alternatively, the landowner may choose to register carbon credits (Australian Carbon Credit Units- ACCUs) from their project for retention or sale. 

Landowner recruitment has commenced, and the program remains open for expressions of interest (EOIs). Projects will be selected in rounds, with the selection panel meeting 3-4 times per year. 

The next selection round closes on 31 October 2024.

BushBank Program Private Land Stream- Project Stories and News

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Need help completing your expression of interest?

Help video 1:

  • How to map your proposed project site on the map tool
  • 1:58min

Use the icons to make the video full-screen.

Need to contact us?

For phone support regarding the BushBank program, call Vegetation Link on 1300 572 164 regarding the submission of your expression of interest or to discuss your proposal. Support is available during business hours.

To contact us via email regarding the program, email bushbank.partner@cassinia.com.

This project is funded by the Victorian Government’s $77 million BushBank Program, which is restoring more than 20,000 hectares of land across Victoria to create healthy wildlife habitat and capture carbon.

Trust for Nature is partnering with Cassinia Environmental and the Victorian Government to permanently protect land restored under the BushBank program with conservation covenants.

Trust for nature logo

Program partners

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